Trademark Search

Why Conduct a Trademark Search?

Conducting a trademark search is a critical step before filing a trademark application. It helps identify existing trademarks that may conflict with the proposed mark, reducing the risk of objections, oppositions, or infringement claims. A comprehensive trademark search provides the following benefits:

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How to Conduct a Trademark Search in India?

Conducting a trademark name search in India is crucial to ensure that the proposed mark is unique and does not conflict with existing trademarks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting a trademark name search:

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Avoiding Trademark Infringement

Avoiding trademark infringement is crucial to protect your brand and avoid legal disputes. Here are some strategies to avoid infringement:

International Trademark Protection

Protecting trademarks internationally is essential for businesses expanding into new markets. Here are some options for international trademark protection:

Trademark Searches by Lexgin

Avoiding Trademark Infringement

Avoiding trademark infringement is crucial to protect your brand and avoid legal disputes. Here are some strategies to avoid infringement:


What is a trademark search?

A trademark search is a process of identifying existing trademarks and applications to assess the availability and uniqueness of a proposed mark.

Why is a trademark search important?

A trademark search helps identify potential conflicts, reduce legal risks, and increase the likelihood of successful registration.

How can I conduct a trademark search in India?

You can conduct a trademark search in India using IP India's online trademark search tool, manual search at the Trademark Office, or professional search services.

What is the Nice Classification system?

The Nice Classification system is an international standard for classifying goods and services for trademark registration, dividing them into 45 classes.

How do I check the status of a trademark application in India?

You can check the status of a trademark application in India using the "Trademark Public Search" tool on the IP India website.

Can I register a trademark internationally?

Yes, you can register a trademark internationally using options such as the Madrid Protocol, national applications, or regional systems.